Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Top Ten Things To Do If You Get Wonderware System Platform Communication Errors

1.Reset the ArchestrA Network Services Account. This is the #1 reason.
2.Software version or patch level different between machines. All must be identical, down to the patch level.
3.Multi network cards? Check the bind order. Move the NIC used for platform communication to the top of the list.
4.Ports might closed. Run the OSConfiguration utility to open them in the Windows firewall.
5.Make sure Simple File Sharing is turned OFF.
6.DNS resolution issues. Try using IP address or host file instead.
7.Anti-Virus software. Check the Application Server Readme file for a list of folders to exclude.
8.DCOM issues. Kind of involved. See Wonderware Tech Note 461 or call us.
9.None of that helped, what next? On the GR node, turn the Galaxy Repository (aaGR) service OFF, then back ON.
10.Still nothing? Bummer. It's time to call us at 913-254-5000 or email

Machine Edition: On-The-Fly Variable Creation

Writing ladder logic for a PLC project can be time consuming. One shortcut in this process is on-the-fly variable creation. While programming ladder logic, it’s required that each function block, relay, or coil to have a respective memory location. Memory locations are formatted ‘%[type][number]’. Here are some examples:
%I00001 = Digital input 1
%Q00045 = Digital output 45
%R01001 = Register 1001
%AI00002 = Analog input 2
First, double click on any ladder instruction to trigger a popup window.
This window is prompting for a variable choice. Only premade variables will make this list. Creation of a new variable at this instance can be done in three ways. The first way is to simply type a memory location outright like '%R45'. The second is to type a variable as a string like 'Pump_Start'. Last but not least, the short hand method involves typing ‘45q’.
After hitting enter, the ladder object in this example now has a variable. The second method falls short in that a memory location must still be established at a later time even though a title is in place. Method 1 and 3 fulfill the name and memory location requirement immediately.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

In Search Of... Missing Time & Date Tags in Wonderware ArchestrA Symbols

Some of the InTouch system tags that do not exist in ArchestrA symbols relate to time and dates. Here's a quick tip on where to find them.

Step 1: Launch your Quick Script Editor.
Step 2: Click F(x) to list functions.

Step 3: Expand the 'Types' category and you'll be able to explore Microsoft's .NET System Namespace.
You'll find a number of familiar properties.

Here is a list of InTouch system tags and their equivalent .NET property:


In addition to replacements for the classic InTouch time/date tags, you'll also find new properties and methods such as:

returns the day of the week (integer)
adds incremental time to an existing time value (also AddDays, AddHours, etc)
returns how many days are in the specified month
compares two datetimes and returns =, <, >
converts datetime value into a string equivalent (see table above)

To see more information about the .NET System Namespace, check out:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tech Tip: Setting the IP Address of a GE IP Controller Using Machine Edition

Assigning an IP Address to a GE IP CPU or Network Controller does not require a serial cable!  Built in to Proficy Machine Edition is the "Set Temporary IP Address" tool which is free and easy to use.

Step 1: Ensure the Navigator is open.
Step 2: Click on the Utilities tab at the bottom of the navigator (circled above).
Step 3: Double click on Set Temporary IP Address.

Step 4: Type in the 12-digit MAC address located on the side or front of the CPU or Network module.
Step 5: Type in the desired IPv4 address.
Step 6: Click Set IP.

Step 6: Click OK and wait for the confirmation dialog.