1.Reset the ArchestrA Network Services Account. This is the #1 reason.
2.Software version or patch level different between machines. All must be identical, down to the patch level. 3.Multi network cards? Check the bind order. Move the NIC used for platform communication to the top of the list.
4.Ports might closed. Run the OSConfiguration utility to open them in the Windows firewall.
4.Ports might closed. Run the OSConfiguration utility to open them in the Windows firewall.
5.Make sure Simple File Sharing is turned OFF.
6.DNS resolution issues. Try using IP address or host file instead.
6.DNS resolution issues. Try using IP address or host file instead.
7.Anti-Virus software. Check the Application Server Readme file for a list of folders to exclude.
8.DCOM issues. Kind of involved. See Wonderware Tech Note 461 or call us.
9.None of that helped, what next? On the GR node, turn the Galaxy Repository (aaGR) service OFF, then back ON.
10.Still nothing? Bummer. It's time to call us at 913-254-5000 or email support@logic-control.com.