Thursday, July 26, 2012

Configuring the ArchestrA TrendClient Control as an InTouch Real-Time or History Trend

The TrendClient control shown in your ArchestrA Graphic Editor can be used to display data from either Wonderware Historian or from classic stand-alone InTouch. This tip shows you how to set up the control as either a real-time or historical trend for InTouch data.


1.      The most important thing to remember when using the TrendClient control is that it cannot co-exist with Wonderware Historian Client. So if you've got Historian Client installed, you'll need to uninstall it to use this control.

2.    The TrendClient control is a native .NET control, so first you'll need to create a new ArchestrA Symbol, and embed the TrendClient control into it.

3.      Double-click the embedded TrendClient and select Historical Sources under Configuration.
  • Click + to add a source.
  • Select InTouch Log History/LGH
  • Enter the computer (Name) and file location of your LGH files (UNC Path)


4.     Configure Pens for a Real Time Trend

  • Select Pens under Configuration
  • Click + to add a new pen
  • Give it whatever name you wish, such as the tagname
  • For Expression/Reference, enter the InTouch tag in the form INTOUCH:Tagname.
  • Pen Details can be hard-coded, or use InTouch tag dotfields as done here.

5. Embedding the Trend symbol into InTouch at this stage results in a Real-Time Trend.


6. Configure Pens for Historical Trend

  • Follow the same steps as above to configure pen names and tags
  • Under Historical...
    • Enter the computer (Source)
    • Enter the InTouch tag (same as Reference above without the INTOUCH: prefix)
    • This is a common mistake. Just enter the tagname here, without prefix.

7. Embed the Trend Symbol in your InTouch window and you'll have a Historical Trend. No configuration is necessary in InTouch.

8. To specify start and end dates/times for historical trend display, you can specify a time range under the Options configuration, or use the SetStartAndEndTimes() method in a script. For example:

TrendClient1.SetStartAndEndTimes("7/23/2012 3:00 PM", "7/23/2012 3:30 PM", 0);