Monday, February 10, 2014

Exporting a Wonderware Log File

This document details the steps of exporting a Wonderware log file.

Step 1: Open System Management Console – In Windows search bar type “System Management Console” then launch it.
Step 2: Select the logger – Click on “Log Viewer” in the left pane.
Step 3: Select the relevant computer’s logger – Drill down into logger viewer then drill down into default group then click the relevant machine.  Most likely you are working on the local computer so “local” would be the relevant computer.  Below is a screenshot of what your screen should look like at this point.

Step 4: Filter Data by Time Range – Refer to the above screenshot.  Select the filter icon by the black arrow.  Now select the Time Range time.  Adjust the time range to one day before the issue that occurred to one day after the issue occurred.
Step 5: Select Export – Right click in the left pane on the computer you are working on.  Navigate in the context menu to messages then export.  Click export.  Refer to below screenshot for example.

Step 6: Save the file – Put your company’s name at the start of the filename but leave the rest the same.  Leave the save type the same.  Pick a location to save the file, anywhere you choose, then click save. 
Step 7: Send Log file to Logic tech team -  If the log file is smaller than 10 MB it can be sent through email to the logic person working with you on the issue.  Files greater than 10 MB will not go through Logic’s email servers and will need to be uploaded (you can try zipping a file to get it under 10 MB limit).  To upload a file go here:  The upload is extremely easy to use, no username/password required.  Once the upload is complete, give us a call to review your file. 

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